School Made Easy Headline Animator

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Computing median

Question What is the median of the following numbers?
340 540 710 720 1290 1980 2060 2390 2760 2790 2820 2860 2860 3000 3620 4230 4230 4270 4570 4770

Solution Median is number in the middle of a set of numbers.
There are two ways to answer the question.

1. using the formula function of excel as shown below
Note: If you want a copy of the Excel file for the above, please leave your email in the comment box below.
2. doing it the hard way by counting the number of observations, then dividing that number by 2, then counting from left or right beginning from zero to that number to get the median.Hence, there are 20 numbers in the set, the median number then is the average of the 10th and 11th numbers in the set which are 2790 and 2820. The median then is (2790 + 2820)/ 2 = 2805

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